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    Signs Indicating That It Is Time for a Job Change

    Signs Indicating That It Is Time for a Job Change
    Imagine yourself on a cozy Sunday evening enjoying your weekend dinner and suddenly it hits you – you have work on Monday. What kind of feeling follows this thought? Has it made you annoyed, sad, or frustrated? Not necessarily, but this might be considered an early sign that the time to change your job has come. But what could other indicators be? We will try to give you the most important signs suggesting that it is time for you to consider changing your job. 
    • You do not find yourself learning. Ask yourself if you learned anything new recently in your job. This should not be related just to the work itself, but maybe you improved some skills or even grew as a person. If you cannot recall a new skill or any personality growth moment recently, it means that you stopped learning and growing and that you might begin looking for a new place to work and continue to grow and learn. It is a natural process – sometimes you reach a maximum. 
    • You feel uninterested. Do you find new tasks uninteresting and even exhausting? Bad news – your job does not satisfy you anymore. You miss your deadlines and do not perform up to par, and you just lack the willpower to pretend to be enthusiastic about the company's objective any longer. However, you know that the sensation of antipathy is not true for you. 
    • Your work impacts your personal life. This goes two ways – your job affects your physical and mental health. The list of physical symptoms that can alarm you about your job affecting your personal life could be: you are always tired, sleep badly, or even struggle to fall asleep, etc. If you feel easily annoyed, irritable, and bitter and start to complain more about everything that surrounds you, you are mentally affected by your work. You have issues maintaining your social life since you feel very sensitive and frustrated by minor inconveniences. In general, you have a hard time relaxing because you have only one thing on your mind – your job. Normally, there are ups and downs in your job, but your job should not make you feel down mentally and physically every day. 
    • You do not feel like you matter. Every day at work looks the same – the same old tasks that you have already mastered, nothing exciting or challenging coming your way. You feel unacknowledged by your team leader or other team members and your extra efforts feel invisible, so you stop trying to improve. Admit it – the feeling of being a significant team player is one of the greatest motivators in the work. 
    • Nothing motivates you anymore. A competitive salary, insurance, free snacks and drinks, pet-friendly office – these are just examples of many benefits that companies tend to offer these days. Sure, all of them sound fun and a good way to motivate people to work. However, what if you are not feeling happy with your work, for how long can these benefits keep motivating you? Another motivator can be social relations. Most of us have fun at work by spending time with our colleagues and sometimes they happen to be the only reason to keep working. But imagine that they do not bring you any joy and motivation. When the company’s benefits do not motivate you anymore, it can be indicated as a subtle hint for you to begin to think about the possible changes related to your work. 
    • You feel like you are wasting your time. The time has come to change your work if you catch yourself thinking that you are wasting your full potential and skills in the job that does not make you happy anymore. You are counting every minute of your work and imagine yourself being or working somewhere else. 
    If you think you can apply the signs mentioned above, you should begin making changes. If you have no idea where to begin or feel scared or uncertain, you can ask the advice of your friends or contact a professional recruiting agency that will help you in every way to find a new and the most suitable job for you. 

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