Career Changes in Autumn
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    Why Is Autumn the Best Time to Search for a New Job?

    Why Is Autumn the Best Time to Search for a New Job?

    According to Career Sidekick, an award-winning job-search advice site featured in news portals such as Forbes, INC, Business Insider, CNBC, and Yahoo Finance, autumn can be named as the second-best time to apply. year to change careers. Even though January and February are the best months for career changes, fall recruitment is considered to have a more positive starting experience. Why? There are quite a few reasons behind this:

    • All employees are coming back from vacation, so people are more relaxed. This means they are also more motivated and patient with new employees and more willing to provide help and answer new colleagues' questions.

    • September, October, and November are the best times to look for a job, as statistically more job ads are published in these months compared to the annual average. With more options, you are more likely to find the job you want, rather than just accepting an offer that is " just acceptable because there were no other options".
    • HR managers must use what is left in the budget – when vacancies are not filled during the year, it is very rare to get approval for financing the same jobs when the next year's budget is considered in January. Therefore, HR specialists try to use the funds for new jobs before they are lost. For candidates, this can mean a faster recruitment process for the desired job position, as personnel specialists want to recruit new employees before the holiday period begins so that there is enough time to train them to perform at least the basic job functions so that when the holiday period comes, the employee will be able to work independently.
    • Job hunting in the fall also means a greater chance of being selected for positions that you might not have been selected for during the peak recruiting period. Since the beginning of the year is the most popular time to change jobs, recruiters receive many more resumes for any job position compared to other months of the year, which means more competition. For example, if you weren't a good candidate when you were looking for a job in January and February, you might get lucky in the fall and get an unexpected job offer at a company you've always wanted to work for.

    In general, although the right timing is important when looking for a job, if you don't get a job, don't get discouraged and take a closer look at your resume, give it to your friends to read, think about how you can adjust it, and learn what skills are needed for your dream job. The best thing is, if you have this possibility, to consult with personnel selection professionals who know the specifics of the field in which you want to work and what is important in this field so that employers see you as a valuable specialist who can create added value for the company.
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